Organizing for a Healthy Justice System Final Evaluation Report
December 2020
The National Council on Crime and Delinquency evaluated the Organizing for a Healthy Justice System phase of the Positive Youth Justice Initiative, with a focus on uplifting information that philanthropic partners can use to support communities in strengthening local infrastructure for organizing and advocacy toward a healthier youth justice system.
E-mail The Center to request the Organizing for a Healthy Justice System Final Evaluation Report.

Positive Youth Justice Initiative Evaluation Briefs
December 2019
The National Council on Crime and Delinquency evaluated the Positive Youth Justice Initiative and prepared four briefs to highlight findings and learnings based on the work of partners. The briefs include information that The Center at Sierra Health Foundation, philanthropic partners and others can use to support communities in strengthening local infrastructure for organizing and advocacy toward a healthier justice system.

The Beat Within 2019
September 2019
The Beat Within publishes a magazine of writing and art by incarcerated youth. They worked with our Positive Youth Justice Initiative funded partners and the youth in their programs to create this special issue, which included an art and essay contest.

The Beat Within 2017
November 2017
The Beat Within publishes a magazine of writing and art by incarcerated youth. They worked with our funded partners and the youth in their programs to create this first Positive Youth Justice Initiative special issue.

Youth Justice System Advocacy Guide
August 2017
The National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform developed this advocacy guide as an overview of key youth justice systems decision makers for Positive Youth Justice Initiative partners.
E-mail The Center to request the Youth Justice System Advocacy Guide.

Advancing Employment Opportunities for California’s Foster Care and Justice-Involved Youth
September 2016
As part of our Positive Youth Justice Initiative, we commissioned this report from the National Employment Law Office, which identifies and promotes youth employment programs and policies that benefit vulnerable youth.

Positive Youth Justice Initiative: Implementation Phase II Concept Paper
September 2015
The four counties funded through the Positive Youth Justice Initiative made notable advancements in system and policy change, interagency collaboration and professional development. This concept paper looks at the Positive Youth Justice Initiative work to date and what’s ahead in the initiative’s next phase.

Adverse Childhood Experiences, Toxic Stress and Implications for Juvenile Justice: A Guide for Positive Youth Justice Initiative Counties
July 2015
The Center for Youth Wellness created this guide to provide a foundation for trauma-informed care and to support leaders from each of the counties involved in the Positive Youth Justice Initiative. It is meant to be a document that county leaders and partners can use in the development of groundbreaking trauma-informed care strategies in their local juvenile justice systems.
E-mail The Center to request the Adverse Childhood Experiences guide.

Positive Youth Justice Initiative Briefing Paper
April 2012
This briefing paper provides background information on the Positive Youth Justice Initiative, which seeks to improve the outcomes of young people involved in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems, often referred to as crossover youth. The paper describes the initiative’s design.
E-mail The Center to request the Positive Youth Justice Initiative Briefing Paper.

Renewing Juvenile Justice
March 2011
Commissioned by Sierra Health Foundation and written by the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice, this policy report provides a historical account of California’s juvenile justice system that illustrates the origins of today’s issues, and provides a direction for establishing a model 21st century juvenile justice system designed to improve outcomes for youth, their families and caregivers.